Book more meetings with the right decision makers with the most extensive and cost-effective SaaS database ever.
The saasyDB difference
More leads per company than other databases
Using our unique research system, we uncover more employee profiles than the competition has
More than just the CEO's email and generic inboxes, our system unearths employee profiles, from low-level to C-Suite. Find your ideal champion or target.
A credit unlocks every employee
So that you can take more of an account based marketing approach, one credit unlocks every employee at a company, so that you can keep pitching people until you get the company itself as your client
Features to help you close high-stakes deals with minimal effort.
extensive saas database
The novel outreach approach that significantly
boosts your reply rates: using fresh leads
Reach out to people who aren't constantly getting pitched. Our unique b2b research system fills the database with unique leads that aren't used by other marketers.
precision targeting
Build trust with the exact people who will convert and ensure repeat business
AI-assisted job role and department standardization helps you find the right people to pitch, so you get more replies.
Way more than just founder and CEO email addresses
Reveal a whole company’s employee data. Using our unique algorithm we will provide you with up to hundreds of employee profiles per company.
complete Employee info
Contact information that adapts to your outreach strategy
Whether you’re networking on LinkedIn, doing cold email marketing or reaching out locally, this list will give you all the information in one shot.
Stop guessing what kind of offers to pitch to be relevant
We review and re-research our database on a regular basis. Look into the latest information about freshly-funded and growing companies.
Seed stage
Series A
Series B
Series C
Series D
Series A
Seed stage
Series B
Series c
Series D
It's all saas
It's hard to be sure if organizations in other databases are really SaaS companies, but it's the only thing we focus on.
(Limited time only)
Until we come out of beta, we're selling lifetime deals, including a "Golden Ticket" package where you have access to all of our data forever, for a one time fee.
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Why choose saasyDB?
Seize more opportunities while you cut costs too with a budget-friendly solution for more connections.
Cold email professionals
Get better results for yourself and your clients by using a more refined SaaS leads database that your competition doesn't.
Agencies and service providers
Accelerate your sales cycle. Gather all relevant contacts through one source. Reach the people that matter faster.
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